Since it did not hold very much, I also had to have a big trashcan in the coop to hold the feed and then get it out of there to refill the feeder. So, I decided I wanted to get a bigger feeder so we did not have to fill it so often (and I could make more room by getting rid of the trash can). I started looking online and found one that a guy had built for his chicken coop. You can click here to see it. I decided I liked his design and thought it would work for me. So, I built one modeled after his that would work in my coop.
It is about 4 feet tall, 28 inches wide, and 10 inches deep. It has a slanted board inside on the bottom that helps get the feed into the outside food tray and it has a removable top to put the feed in. The best part is that it holds a lot of feed. I am guessing somewhere between 150-200 lbs. That will feed the chickens for a really long time without having to refill it.