The girls keep getting bigger and older. We have a preschooler and a toddler, not two babies anymore! We changed Clara's crib in to a toddler bed this weekend. This is about the same age we moved Esther to a toddler bed. She has done really well so far, she hasn't gotten out at all, even when she wakes up. We'll see how long that lasts though. We are happy that we won't have to worry about having a crib or pack n' play when we travel or visit people. She is very proud and keeps talking about her big girl bed.
Clara posing in her big girl bed |
Esther continues to impress us with her knowledge. She recently has learned her right from her left. I'm not sure when kids usually learn that, but 3 seems early. She always asks which way we are turning in the car, so she learned her right and left that way. She will tell us which way we are turning now. If you ask her, she will correctly identify her left and right hand/foot.
She also is really interested in her letters. She always asks what letter something starts with. Once you tell her she will then name off a lot of other words that start with that letter. She also asks you to spell and write words. She recently started spelling her name and Clara's name. She never wants to do it when you ask, but I managed to get some of her spelling on camera the other day.