Its been awhile since we blogged, and I wanted to write an update on the girls. There will be some farm updates coming soon.
The girls spend a lot of time coloring, drawing, and writing.
Esther is really turning in to a little girl, it is hard to believe that she will be 4 in just a few months. She is very independent. She can pretty much do everything for herself, other than getting plates out of the cabinet and getting the milk out of the refrigerator. She loves to help--set the table at supper, put away laundry, put away groceries, she even helped Josh pull up and carry fence posts the other day.
She continues to blow us away with the things she knows and remembers. She is really into writing words right now. She knows how to spell all of our names and writes them often. She likes to ask us to spell things and she will write them, or she'll just write a bunch of letters and ask us what she spelled! She loves to read books. We get new library books every week and after we have read a book a couple of times she usually has it memorized and can "read" it to you. She has known her directions (right/left) for awhile and will tell us what direction we are turning or are going to turn. She has learned all of the road names we drive on and knows the way we drive to all of our routine places. I'm fairly sure she could direct someone on how to drive from our house to her school, church, the grocery store, or Josh's parents' house.
Esther practicing her portrait skills.
We had several people tell us the "3s" were harder than the "2s" as far as behavior. Esther is definitely one of those kids! She is very strong willed and doesn't want to comply unless it was her idea. Couple that with the irrational thought processes and behaviors of a toddler and some days I think I'm going to loose my mind! But overall she is a sweet, smart, and fun little girl.
Esther loves drawing people and writing her name.
Clara continues to keep us entertained. Even Esther says, "Oh Clara, you are being dramatic." I wish we could keep a video camera on her at all times so we could share all of the hilarious faces, expressions, voices, dances, and silly things she says. She lives in her own little world most of the time, but it looks like a pretty great place to be! We have even talked about renting her out to people who are feeling down to help cheer them up. She is constantly making us laugh, even when she gets in trouble it is hard to keep a straight face. We are not sure at what age most kids start this but she even does funny voices at times to make us laugh.
Clara cheesing for the camera
Clara is also gaining independance. She keeps up with Esther and can do just about everything her big sister does. She insists on picking out her own clothes most days, so you never know what she is going to look like. Clara's big recent milestone is she is now potty trained. She still wears a diaper at nighttime, and still has an occasional accident, but overall we consider her potty trained. After 3.5 years of changing diapers, we are very excited about this.
Playing, they were probably going on an adventure. |
Zoned out watching a few minutes of Seasame Street |
Playing in the dirt, a favorite activity. |