I have been enjoying buying new stuff for the house. Some things I have been buying are not needed things but things I have wanted for a long time and have just never bought them. These things are simple things that just make life better and are the things I enjoy the most. I will profile three of those things in this post.

1. Porch swing. I did not buy this it was already with the house. It is so nice to be on the porch in the swing, just swinging my life away (not this
type of swinging just to clarify). I do wish I could play the guitar (or guitfiddle) because that would be the ultimate - on the porchswing playing the guitar and singing with
Aunt Bee and
Opie by my side. (that show is my second all time favorite TV show, I wish my life was like the show)

2. Wind Chimes. I really like the sound of wind chimes, it reminds me of growing up and being in the country and simple times. Some are annoying but this one is really good.
Lowes has all their summer things half price right now so we got it for half price. I wish I knew how to make a recording and put a link on here so you all could here it. But since I can't I will describe it.... Dong, Ding, Dong, DONG, dong, ding, ding.

3. Rain gauge. Another half price Lowes purchase. This just gets me one step closer to being a meteorologist. Seriously, I would like to be one of those weather watcher people that they talk to when they are doing the weather on the local news to find out what is going on around the area. If you can see in this picture, it has 1.5 inches of rain in it that we got yesterday. We have got 8 inches of rain the past couple of weeks. One day it rained 4.5 inches, that is a gulley washer!!!