It seems that the Farm of Hale as acquired two billies. We don't need two billies for any reason, one does the job just fine. But "need" and "want" are two different things. Here is the story. We needed a new billy goat for this year. We are keeping some of our girl babies from this past year so we can not keep the billy we had because he would be breeding his daughters. And nobody wants that. So, we needed a new billy. We came across one in the paper for sale that I really wanted. He is a 50% Kiko billy.
Kiko is a breed of goat that I really like and would like to get in to. I went and looked at him and he was for sale for a pretty decent price so I bought him. Here he is...

I think he is going to be a really big goat. He is only about 4 months old and he is triple the size of our four month old goats. I am excited to see how big he gets. We decided to name him Albi. His name is actually longer than that but Margo won't let me put it on here so if you want to know you will have to email me or ask me in person. You can probably figure it out and understand where the name comes from if you click
Now for the story of billy number two. I was talking to one of our neighbors about buying some of their sheep. They also have a couple dairy goats and they had a male kid born this year that was a really good looking goat. I commented on how good he looked and they asked if I wanted him. I told them I had a billy already. They said they would make me a really good deal. They would like to keep him but they wanted to wait a year before they start using him for breeding. So, if I would house him for a year for them I could use him to breed to my goats this year for free. You may ask, why do I want this billy when I just bought a billy. Well, here is my thinking. I can breed this dairy breed billy to my goats this year and the babies will be half dairy goat and half meat goat which I think would be good to have. So, I would keep any girl babies that he has with my current nanny goats. They would be good mothers and if I wanted I might be able to milk them as well. Then I could breed those half dairy half meat goats to my half kiko and they should produce the ultimate baby goat. At least that is what I hope. I know all of this sounds crazy to you, but to me it sounds fun.
Here is billy number two that we will breed to our goats this year. His name was Valentine because he was born on Valentine's Day. We thought he needed a more manly name so we changed it to Valentino. He is really nice.