Monday, March 14, 2011

Buses Beware

A few weeks ago, Margo had a wreck. She was pulling out onto a busy highway during rush hour. It was one of those places where you pull out any chance you get. Well there was a vehicle that had it's blinker on like it was going to turn on the road she was coming out of. So, she pulled out, but that vehicle was not turning and it hit her in the front drivers side. It was pretty scary for her especially since Esther was in the car. Esther never knew anything happened though. The wreck was Margo's fault and she got a ticket for failure to yield. Here is the kicker though....the vehicle that hit her.....a SCHOOL BUS. Holy crap batman. I think that is the worst thing to get into a wreck with. Luckily no one was hurt, except the CRV. But it did give me plenty to give Margo a hard time about, and I won't let her live it down for a while.
Anyway, the CRV was totaled.

It was kind of sad. It was the first car we bought together and the first new car either of us had ever had. We went tons of places in it: New Orleans, Denver, Cleveland, Nashville, St Louis, the College World Series, and tons of other places. The best place we went in it though was to get our new daughter in Little Rock.

Our insurance company gave us a good amount for it, more than what I was expecting. So, last week we got a new (used) car. We got a 2004 Honda Pilot. It is the same age and has the same miles as the CRV did and we got it for less than what we got from insurance for the CRV. I think it was a pretty good trade. It is a bigger than the CRV and has 3 rows of seats, seats 8, leather seats, dvd in the back, and Margo's favorite- heated seats. And it was even the color we prefer for cars.


B said...

& you bought it from my friends Craig and Stef :)

kate said...

oh my gosh. That is terrible. That numb skull should get a ticket for being an idiot. That is scary. my kids will never (if I can help it) ride on a school bus. Or in Margo's car. Just kidding! :) Margo, I am so sorry that happened. Wrecks are so much more scary with kids in the car. Glad she was clueless about it! I am so thankful you both are ok and that you were able to get a new car. Sorry you got a stinking ticket though. No fair. Boo. Hiss. Love your new car!

nectarine_girl said...

Yikes. I'm glad you guys are ok. We love our Pilot, it's really nice to have the back seats when/if you need it or it leaves lots of room for stuff when you travel.

Anonymous said...

hi uncle josh. its patrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kritter Krit said...

Ooo! Love the new vehiclette.

P.S. We figured this was one you were going to hold over Margo's head for awhile, Josh! The school bus definitely upped the "Holy Crap, Batman!" factor. Glad everybody was okay. How's Esther? We miss her like crazy!