I am way delayed on writing Esther's sixth birthday post, but better late than never!
Esther turned 6 on July 22. I know it is cliche, but it is hard to believe she is 6. She really is growing up fast. A few milestones this year:
- Has learned to whistle and snap. She loves to practice these skills!
- Can tie her shoes.
- Can ride her bike without training wheels.
- Lost two teeth, has a couple others that are loose.
- She still loves to read. She has read all of the Junie B. Jones books and several of the Ramona (Beverly Clearly) books. She is reading on a 2nd-3rd grade level.
- She loves to draw, color, make books, and create things. She also really likes to build with blocks and tinkertoys.
Esther with one of her birthday presents--a little pillow craft she made. |
- She and Clara have grand adventures making mud pies, playing all over the farm, playing school and babies. They also fight a lot :)
Esther with the birthday card Clara made for her. |
- Esther loves the cats and dogs. She hugs and kisses the cats and pets them anytime she sees them.
Esther giving Jake some pets. |
This was the first year we did a birthday party of just the kids Esther invited. Now that she has friends from school, we let her choose who she invited, not just our friends and their kids. She invited several of her classmates and a few friends from church. She wanted to have a "Dory" themed party. The kids played outside, petted a goat, saw the pigs, and we played some games. It was incredibly hot, but the kids all had a good time.
The birthday party crew. |
Baby goats are always a hit! |
1 comment:
You have my blessings.
God bless your indelible souls.
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