Thursday, July 27, 2006

Building Fences with a Preacher

I have been putting in fence all this week and tonight we finished putting in the post for one side of the property. The next step is putting up the wire on Saturday. Anyway, tonight I had help in putting in posts from my pastor. This is a weird statement to me because we are helping start a new church and calling him my pastor still seems odd. Anyway, I had hoped that having someone assist me who is probably on better terms with God than I am might help protect me from falling trees. I also hoped that since faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, that he might have enough faith to move the post into the ground without any trouble. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The help was still greatly appreciated, although when you have a preacher around you can't really cuss at the posts for not going in straight which at times is hard to refrain from. So here are some alternate phrases for you in case you are ever in this situation.

Freaking Post
Son of a Jackel post
Dang this post.
Kiss my butt you darn post
Rott in hades you piece of crap post

Let me tell you, it feels a lot better to use the real words.
Anyway, if any of you want to help put up wire we will be starting about 8am on Saturday and you are all welcome to come and you can try out some of my new alternate cussing phrases.

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