I know this is not farm related but I have been meaning to post about the Razorback baseball game we went to last Tuesday but I am just now getting around to it. What makes this baseball game more blog worthy then any of the other baseball games we go to throughout the year is where we got to sit. We were able to "acquire" a luxury box for the game. These are usually owned by businesses or rich people. I have never been in one for a game before. We got 20 tickets with the box so we decided to make a community group (our church small group) outing. It was really awesome. There was an inside part with chairs, tables, and
tv's. There was also an outside part with seats and the doors between the inside and outside parts would totally open up to make the whole thing open air. All the food was included in the package deal as well. We had
hotdogs, bratwurst, cokes, candy, nachos, beer, ice cream. It was really awesome and so much fun. I wish I had the money to get one of those boxes for all the games. Here are some pics from our time at the game.


Our view

The hog mascot even came to our box to see us