Wednesday, September 04, 2013

My Fair Ladies

Our motto at our house is "a family that fairs together, stays together".  Actually that is not our motto, it's something that I just made up.  Anyway, we really like the fair.  Margo grew up showing animals at fairs all around the region and state. And I grew up spending every dollar I had playing unwinnable games and riding rides. We have continued to go into adulthood and have gone most years we have been married. So, naturally we want the girls to enjoy the fair like we did when we were kids.  Last Friday we took them over to the Washington County Fair.  We looked at all the arts and crafts entries and all the animals.  Then we went to ride some rides.  I was a little worried that Esther might be to scared to want to ride anything but I was wrong.  And Clara is always up for anything.  At the height they are now, they have to have an adult ride with them on most rides so we got to cram into the rides with them. It made me think of the fat guy in a little coat clip from Tommy Boy. First we all rode the little roller coaster together that just goes around in a circles and has a couple small hills in it.  Neither girl hated it or cried but you could tell they were a little freaked out. Next we went to the carousel which only Clara did because Esther did not want to.  Clara was kind of scared at first but enjoyed it once it got going.  Next we were walking trying to find another small ride and Esther pointed to the bigger roller coaster and said she wanted to do it. I was like are you sure, and she was.  So I went on with her.  It was much faster and had some bigger hills and turns to it.  Again she was a little freaked out while riding but enjoyed it and was excited about it after we got done.  After that she asked to do the swings which I rode on with her again. This one, she was all  smiles and would wave at momma and Clara down on the ground every time we went past them.  It was a great time and lots of fun was had by all. And Margo and I even got our favorite fair foods.  Cotton candy for Margo, and fried oreos for me. 

Not sure who is more excited here

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