Monday, September 30, 2013

The girls update

It's about time we wrote an update about the girls. The blog is a good place for us to keep a record of what they are doing as time goes by.

Esther--3 years old. Esther talks all the time. Most of the time she sounds like 16 year old, complete with hand gestures and head nods. She remembers things that happened months ago and brings them up in conversation. She keeps us laughing with all the things she says. A couple of funny things she has said lately--While dozing off in the car and fighting going to sleep--"My eyes won't stop blinking." She was trying to bite into a carrot and couldn't because it was too hard--"This carrot isn't letting me eat it."

She loves to sing. She has a songbook and knows all of the songs. We have to sing several songs every night before bed. She sings along to songs in the car and makes up songs while she is playing. She also loves to draw and write. She is learning to write her letters, so she really likes to practice. She can spell her name and write it with a bit of prompting. She has started drawing stick people, which is quite hilarious.

It is fun to watch her imagination. She loves playing with her babies. She moves our dining room chairs around to make cars and roller coasters. She usually engages Clara in whatever adventure she is on. They have really started playing together, which is nice (when they are not fighting about it).

Esther loves to play outside. She is getting really good at riding her bike. She can get on it and start going all by herself. She rarely needs help from us. Recently she has become obsessed with our pets, especially our cat. Every time we go outside she has to find the cat and give him a hug.

Clara--22 months. Clara is a mess, which is probably the best way to describe her! She is very enthusiastic and dramatic. She keeps us laughing with all of her facial expressions and silly things she does. She does things to make you laugh, especially when she knows she is in trouble. She does all the typical toddler things that Esther never did like pulling out all of the wipes from the package, putting things in the toilet, getting into the art supplies, constantly "washing her hands" or "brushing her teeth" (playing in the sink). She takes off her shoes any chance she gets, even outside, and she loves to play in the dirt, so she is always filthy. She definitely keeps us on our toes. A quiet Clara is usually not a good thing.

She is starting to talk more. She jabbers all the time, gives a running commentary of everything she is doing or sees, though you don't always know what she is saying. Clara comprehends everything you say, she just doesn't always have the words to communicate back. She is getting more independent. We hear "I do it" about 100 times a day. We are at the stage where she knows what she wants but she can't always communicate it, so there are many meltdowns and tears.

She loves to do whatever Esther is doing. She loves playing with her babies, coloring, dressing up, and playing outside. Esther and Clara do play well together (most of the time). It is so fun to watch them play and have conversations. Clara asks for "Addy" (Esther) first thing in the morning. She loves her big sister.

Here is Esther on her bike singing I've been working on the railroad (we caught the last part), playing her horn.

Here is Clara being Clara..

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