Thursday, October 31, 2013


We decided to make this year our first official trick or treating with the girls.  We felt like they were both old enough to actively participate.  I wasn't sure what they were going to be until a week ago and we came across some good costumes at a consignment sale for really cheap that we could not pass up.  First we took them this afternoon to the Fayetteville square where all the square merchants, other city businesses, and city officials were handing out candy, prizes, and more. The girls did great and really enjoyed it.  Then for the evening we met up at a friend's house and had dinner and then all went trick or treating together.  It was a lot of fun.  It took a few houses but the girls got into the swing of things pretty quickly.  The first house Esther rang the doorbell and then started to open the door to go inside.  The girls got lots of candy and we had them each pick out six pieces to eat over the next few days and the rest mommy and daddy will eat, or give away.  The were thrilled because they hardly ever get candy.  All in all it was a successful Halloween and lots of fun. 

Clara's spaceship costume was the hit of the day.

Esther was a dinosaur but was not a big fan of getting her picture taken.


Super cute girls

1 comment:

House of Daniel said...

Very cute!