I got a new position at the VA. I probably won't start that position until around late October or November. The new position is in the urology clinic, which means I will have weekends and holidays off. I am so excited because I will have a more normal life again. I just thought I would share my big news with everyone. This whole new job thing got me to thinking about all the jobs I have had up to this point in my life. I don't know if anyone cares but I thought I would give a quick rundown of all the jobs I have had. I never did the normal working at Wal-Mart or waiting tables while I was in school. This is quite a random list.
1. Gathering eggs in a chicken house. I did this for one of our neighbors. This was before I could drive so I rode my bike there. This was my first real kind of job because it was regular and I got a check every week.
2. Working for a painter/carpenter. I worked for a guy from my church. He was ok to work for and I learned a lot about painting. I was probably 15-16 years old when I worked this job.
3. Working at
Ouachita Rehab and Fitness. I helped people with their fitness programs and ran the fitness center at night and on the weekend. This was my all time favorite job, I loved it. If I could make a living and support a family doing that job I would still be doing it today.
4. One summer while working at the above job I also worked at
Mena Steel Buildings. I did steel building construction all summer. I really liked this job even though it was really hard, and I loved working with construction workers. They were really funny and treated me really good.
5. Working at Transitions. I worked as a nursing assistant/mental health tech. This place treated geriatric patients who had psychiatric problems. This was a very interesting job and I have some funny stories from that job. I did this job while I was in college.
6. RN at Washington Regional Medical Center. I did this for 10 months after I graduated and I worked night shift. I hated night shift but I got some good experience.
7. My current job at the VA.
It makes me wonder what kind of jobs I will have in the future.