Saturday, April 14, 2007

You might be Amish if......

Today was barn raising day. It wasn't the greatest day to work on it but it wasn't too terrible either. I was worried about all my measurements working out but it ended up going together great so far. I am building an open face barn and I am using old chicken house trusses that hook to a post. The lumber and tin are also off of old chicken houses, it is cheaper that way. It is 20' by 30' which should take care of most of our needs. I invited friends out to join in the fun because there was no way Margo and I could do it on our own. My friends who took me up on the offer were Todd, Zack (my brother), Jeremy, and Jonathan. My friends who did not come to help are not my friends anymore. Just kidding. I am very grateful for everyone's help because I could not have done it without them. We got the main trusses up and Jeremy and I got all the wood on the top to nail the tin to. It will take me a few more days to get it all finished. I am very pleased with it so far, not to bad for not being Amish. Whenever I get it done we can get more animals since we will have shelter for them. Here are a few pics from today. Click on the pictures link on the side to see more.

The Crew from left to right:Jonathan, Jeremy, Me, Todd, Zack

Barn Raising

Big Pimpin'

What we did today


Anonymous said...

You got a LOT done, guys. That looks great!
Debbie D

P.S. Have a great week on vacation!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I hate that we had to miss that! That is so great that you will have a barn soon. Wish we were there! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

I finally got caught up on the blog reading. Good work on the farm. Only one thing confused me, but it was from a dangling modifier. (It was in the blog about the garden.) I finally figured out what you were talking about! Christy