Thursday, November 08, 2007

Attack of the Ganglion

I had surgery today. I had a ganglion cyst removed from the base of my left ring finger. It was not too big of a deal, but my wedding ring irritated it and using tools like shovels, rake, and splitting maul made it swell and hurt also so I decided to have it taken out. Here is how it went down...They gave me some sedation medication to put me to sleep briefly, then made an incision and cut it out, then stitched it up, put a bandage on and woke me up. It was a pretty quick procedure and I was not too loopy afterwards. I have to keep the bandage on for a week and then I get my stitches out, but it takes about a month to totally heal. I will try to put up another picture when I get the stitches out. By the way, it is very difficult to type with one hand.

Be sure and stay tuned to the blog for the next 9 days or so because we are leaving on vacation tomorrow and I will try to do daily updates of what we are doing.


Megan said...

you had surgery BEFORE you went on vacation??

Anonymous said...

Cool pic - would have been better without the bandage, tho. :)
Hope it hasn't hurt too much while you've been on vacation
Debbie D.