Saturday, January 03, 2009

Big News

Yes, our first kid. I hope you are all as excited as we are. We thought it would never happen but last night it finally did. It was born around 6pm and weighed six pounds and it's a girl. There were actually two born but one did not make it. The mama birthed them in a place with a lot of loose dirt and we think the one that died got dirt stuck all to it and around it's mouth when it came out wet and got choked. Very sad. The other one is doing great though. We have four more mamas that are due any day as well. So, before too long we will have lots of little ones running around. Now for some pics.

Looks just like Margo

Here is mama with the baby nursing


Megan said...

it's incredibly frustrating that your goat birthed a kid before I did :).

Josh and Margo said...

No name yet, don't know if we will keep this one or sell it, it will just depend on what the other goats have. If we decide to keep it long term, then we will name it.