Thursday, September 20, 2007

Throwback Thursday - Basketball

This throwback Thursday won't feature pictures from quite as far back as previous ones. These are from Junior High; Margo and I both played basketball. I was a Bearcat (M-E-N-A, Mena, Mena All the Way) and Margo was a Warrior. I think the Bearcat would have won that battle. I think Margo has changed a lot since her picture but I don't think I have really changed much, I still look the same. Maybe that is why I am told on a daily basis that I look like I am 12. Be sure and notice my huge muscles.


B said...

yah...huge muscles, and those legs...seeeexxy! I think Margo has changed a lot too!

John Nelson said...

The only huge things in Josh's picture are the ball and his socks.