Monday, October 27, 2008

Magical Fruit

Question. What fruit can you both eat and predict the winter weather with? Answer. The Persimmon. Let me explain about the winter weather part for all you yankees out there. What you do in order to know how bad the winter is going to be is take a persimmon seed in cut it in half long ways. Inside the persimmon seed there will be an outline of either a fork, a spoon, or a knife. If it is a fork that means it is going to be a mild winter and not much snow and ice. A spoon means that you are going to be shoveling lots of snow. A knife means it is going to be terribly cold and icy and the wind will cut through you like a knife. So yesterday, I picked some persimmons from the few persimmon trees that I have and I cut a seed open. It showed a spoon which means lots of snow. I love snow, so it is perfect. As I mentioned, you can also eat persimmons. Just wait for them to ripen and get soft in the fall, you don't want to try one when they are green. That is a favorite prank of my dad's, tricking people to eat green persimmons when they don't know any better. It is actually pretty funny. They taste pretty good when ripe but there is not a lot to them. This year, I decided I wanted to try out a recipe that uses persimmons so I made some persimmon cookies. They turned out very good but I can barely taste the persimmon so I think next time I will put more persimmons in them. And the cookies are all mine to eat because Margo won't eat them because they have cinnamon in them.

Here are the persimmons

Here is the seed cut in half so you can see the spoon

Here are the yummy cookies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cinnamon persimmon cookies?? hee hee - they sound yummy.