Tuesday, February 13, 2007

History, Money, and Beer

These are a few of my favorite things. Yesterday on our trip we did a few tours of things in Denver. Our first stop was at the Colorado History Museum. It was an ok museum, they had some cool indian stuff and pioneer stuff to look at but I don't think I would recommend it to anyone. Our second stop was at the U.S. Mint. It was free which was nice and they had lots of old money which was really cool but we couldn't take pictures which sucked. They even had money from Roman times and Bible times like they had real mites like the woman gave in the Bible. It was a very interesting tour and they gave lots of good information and facts, for instance the average house had $70 worth of coins in their house and it costs more to make the penny and the nickel than what they are worth. I highly recommend that tour to everyone. The next stop of our day was at the Coors Brewery which was a great tour. We learned all about how they make beer. It was very interesting and we learned lots of cool facts like the the original Mr. Coors invented the aluminum can. They best part of that tour though was that we got free beer. And just let me warn all of you who may someday take a trip to this Mile High City and decide to drink a beer, the altitude makes the alcohol have a much greater affect on you. We were told that one beer at this altitude makes you feel like you had 3 beers. I did not really believe this when they told me but I believe it now.

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