Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spring has Sprung

I am making the official declaration that spring is here. Not to say we won't have any more cold weather but not much more, and the majority of the days from now on are going to be warmer instead of colder. How do you know this you may ask. One simple way......the frogs. It seems that yesterday for the first time since last fall, our millions of frogs in our smaller of the two ponds started singing. It is such a great sound, click here for a sample of what it sounds like. It is so nice to sit outside and just listen. You should all feel free to come have a listen anytime, it will sooth your soul.


Anonymous said...

i entirely expected something inappropriate when i clicked the sound link. but instead my soul was soothed. hey, thanks.

i believe in this spring as well.

House of Daniel said...

you are not helping my case to remain in town!!ld