Monday, May 14, 2007

Beef, it's what's for dinner

Raise your hand if you like beef. Seriously, raise it and wave it around like you just don't care. I know I sure do. Today we got another addition (temporary addition) to the farm. We got a calf. Margo's dad hooked us up with a Holstein steer from one of his dairy farmers. It is still pretty young. We are going to get it big and then get it butchered and eat him. The beef we raise will be so much better quality then what you can get at the store. Anyway, we are getting closer and closer to the old mcdonald farm. We probably won't get any more new kinds of animal until next summer though. I hope you can all come see the new addition soon. We are trying to decide on a name so any suggestions would be welcome. A couple we have thought of so far are Jody and Carl.


B said...

What an appropriate hairstyle, Margo!

TE said...

I think you should name your steer "Good". that way when you have him butchered you can say, "This sure is a 'Good' burger!" or "This is a flippin 'Good' ribeye!"

Anonymous said...

How about "Spot"? or "the Burger King"? or "French Fries" (so you can make a whole value meal out of him. Well, on second thought, then he might be confused and think he was a potato instead of a steer.)

John Nelson said...

Just called `em "dinner".

Anonymous said...

Go with Carl. Olivia came up with a good name the other day, but neither Travis or I can remember. If she comes up with any others we will write them down. Miss you guys!