Sunday, May 06, 2007

We're Growing

We went to the Centerton Livestock Auction last night. We took three of our goats to sell. We made good money off of them but I spent more than I made. I bought some ducks and 4 goats. I am very happy with the goats. I bought 2 older nannies, 1 real young nanny and 1 young billy. I did not intend to buy the billy, I bid on it thinking it was a nanny and after I was the winning bidder I found out it was a billy. It's okay though because I decided to just keep it and use him as my billy for this year since I got rid of the other billy. The two older goats are heinz 57 brush goats and the two younger ones are boer cross. The funniest thing we saw at the auction was a mexican guy bought a turkey and to transport it home he put it in the trunk of his Honda Accord, it was awesome. I highly recommend checking out the Centerton Livestock Auction the next time any of you get a chance. Here are some pics.

Here is the goats I sold in the goat carrier I made.

The Ducks

The two older nanny goats

The young nanny and young billy (the close ones)


B said...

what's wrong with MySpace?

John Nelson said...

It's amazing. I read that entire post and understood the words "goat" and "ducks". Beyond that, it was like reading something in German. Farm animal-ing is such a foreign thing to me.

Regardless, I'm happy for your expanding family.