Thursday, August 09, 2007

Least Favorite Job

I have done a lot of hard chores on the farm and a had a lot of different and hard jobs so far in my life. I have cleared brush, hauled rocks, dug post holes by hand, split wood; I worked gathering eggs at a chicken house, worked for a painter, did steel building construction, and had some terrible experiences as a nurse. All of those things are not fun and hard work but I hate no job worse than hauling hay. It was always my very least favorite thing to do growing up. It is so hot and you get hay all over you and it is so itchy. I absolutely hate it. But, since we have a farm now with animals I have to have hay to feed them in the winter. And since I don't have a tractor to move big round bales of hay, I have to use square bales. So, last night we went and got 100 bales, which is not that much but it still sucks. It was so stinking hot last night. My father-in-law was a big help, we used his truck and trailer, and he helped me unload it all. Hopefully, that will get me through the winter.

Here is the hay on the trailer.

Here is the hay in the barn, the first hay the new barn has had in it.

1 comment:

Josh and Margo said...

I was lucky this time, no snakes or bees in the hay bales.