The Mayans were very advanced for their time. They followed the cycles of the moon and of venus, they even had their own observatory. The buildings and carvings were very interesting and very planned out. It is hard to explain it all on the blog but if you are interested in hearing about all the amazing things let me know and I can tell you all about it. One of the crazy things is that they had an exact 365 day calender and had their calender planned out for all future years as well. The crazy thing is their calender ends in December of 2012, that is the last date they had planned out and our guide said some people say it ends then because that is when the Mayans believed the world would end. It was supposed to all have to do with Venus in relation to the Earth and moon.
Here is our tour guide, he is part Mayan. He was really good. One of the questions I asked him is how accurate he thinks the movie Apocalypto (I really like that movie) was because it is supposed to be based on the Mayans. He said it is only about 20% accurate.
Here is the pyramid. It has 365 steps, I wonder what other thing has 365 things in it.
This was their observatory for watching the planets and stars.
Another building.
Some carvings.
This was their ball court, which was the biggest one in Mesoamerica.
Ok, now THAT place is cool!
2012 is when the Mayan calender ends.
that's why you are hearing that number all of the time.
many people are looking into it and speculating about if it....... strange.
glad you got to go... it looks really cool.
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