It seems we have had a lot of animal changes this past week or so (you can see what animals we have right now on the current animal count over on the right column of the blog), besides the 4 new calves we got on Friday. Today was a big change, but first let me start with Saturday. On Saturday a guy came out and bought our little billy goat that was born this year. He was my last goat for sale. The guy who bought him was actually our mailman's son. Our mailman stopped and asked about the billy a week or so ago. We did good selling goats this year, we sold all 3 of the ones we wanted to without having to advertise. Next in animal news and on a more sad note, one our chickens disappeared over the past few days. Normally, I am not that concerned about losing chickens but this was our
Cochin who we referred to as Feather Foot. She was our nice chicken that you could pick up and was good for letting kids see and pet when they came out to the farm. And now for the big news of today that is both happy and a little sad. Today was the day we took our original cow (some people call him Buster) to the butcher. This was the original plan for him, we bought him along with Margo's parents to raise him and then butcher and split the beef. We had him for right at a year. We are anxious to see how much meat we get from him, I will keep you updated. Overall he was a nice cow to have around and lots of kids got to pet him and sit on him. Here is a before and after shot to show you how much he grew the past year.
Here he is when we got him

And here he is today
I can't believe you murdered Buster you heartless son of B*$@H! -- PETA
Wow you guys are tougher than me. Hope you are having a great trip! Wish I had snuck in your suitcase. :) Can't wait to hear all about it! Miss you guys!
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