Monday, October 02, 2006

A tale of two kitties

We lost one of our kitties a few weeks ago. We lost Fanta (the orange one), she just disappeared one day and we had no idea where she went. About a week or so after we lost her, one of Margo's friends (Melissa) got a new cat at her house. She showed Margo pictures and it looked a lot like our Fanta, but she had got this cat from a friend who found it close to Wedington Avenue in Fayetteville. Anyway, Margo went over to her house and was amazed at how much the two cats resembled one another, so she held the cat up to a picture of Fanta on our blog. Well, it was Fanta. The best we can guess, Fanta got up underneath my truck and rode to work with me and fell out from underneath when I stopped at a stoplight or something. Pretty Amazing!!!! I wanted to take Fanta back, but they had already become attached and would probably cry if I took it away which used to would not have bothered me but I have softened in my old age.
Anyway, it has just been Spot on the farm for the past few weeks until yesterday. We went and got another kitty from the same place we got Fanta and Spot. We like him so far, he is younger than Spot. Spot does not like him so far but Macy seems to like him. Anyway, I will post a picture and if anyone has a name suggestion feel free to comment.

On a side note, I need some help. This mostly involves the people who live around Fayetteville. I am making a duck house so I can get some ducks. I am going to make the duck house so that it floats in the middle of the pond. I am going to use 2 liter bottles to float it. So, any of you who have been wanting to help on the farm, this is your chance. Save your 2 liter bottles and give them to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to hit Josh's parents up. They have like 50 2-liters in their garage. I'll ask them.