Tuesday, February 12, 2008


For those of you who don't know, Margo works for an organization called ATTRA. It is a non-profit sustainable agriculture information service funded by the USDA. They have offices throughout the U.S. and one of them is in Fayetteville. It is a great place for farmers to get resources and publications on how to do farm related things to make them more sustainable and profitable (all of you farmers and gardeners out there should check it out). Margo is one of their livestock specialist, and her main specialty is goats. This makes me proud because I love goats. Anyway, she goes to lots of conferences and even gets to speak at some of them and do presentations and stuff like that. Well, she was at one up in Missouri a few weeks ago and a farm news program was there covering it and did a piece on meat goats. The name of the show is "This Week in Agribusiness" and it comes on some local TV stations throughout the U.S. and on cable and satellite on RFD TV. Margo and one of her co-workers, Linda, got interviewed for the segment and were on the show. Many of you may not get the show so I thought I would post the video here for you to see (they posted the interview on youtube).

On a totally other and random subject. As some of you may know, The Late Show with David Letterman is one of my favorite shows and has been for probably 10+ years. I love the show and think Letterman is very funny. We have been to see his show a few times in New York, and actually were almost on the show, we even got taped but the producers decided not to do it. I can tell any of you who have not heard that story some other time. Back to my point of this, Letterman has been doing this bit every night for the past few weeks in his beginning standup routine making fun of Mitt Romney. I am not anti Mitt Romney or anything but this bit was really funny and I wanted to share it with any of you who do not watch Letterman. Basically, Letterman gives a lot of examples of who Mitt Romney looks like. Here is a pic for reference.

Here is a condensed list of Letterman's people Mitt Romney looks like.

He looks like the guy that winks at you when he shakes your hand.
Mitt looks like a guy wearing a golf shirt in an Eddie Bauer catalogue.
He looks like the owner of the steakhouse who keeps interrupting dinner to find out how things are going.
He looks like the desk clerk at a hotel who tells you your room's not ready.
Mitt looks like the guy at a party who gives you his card.
He looks like a tennis pro at a restricted country club.
Mitt looks like a guy modeling briefs on a package of underwear.
He looks like that guy on a Father's Day ad for Norelco.
He looks like a guy on cable urging you to tap your home equity.
He looks like an American President in a Canadian movie.
He looks like the medical expert in a infomercial.
He looks like the guy who promises accident victims he'll get the money they deserve.
He looks like the guy on the 'Just For Men' bottle"
He looks like the guy who tells you how to buy real estate with no money down.
He looks like a cosmetic surgeon who gets ambushed on '60 Minutes.'
He looks like the photo that comes with the frame.
He looks like a guy who would run a seminar on condo flipping.
He looks like a weekend weather man.
He looks like the neighbor who spends way too much time on his lawn
Mitt Romney looks like that guy on the golf course in the Levitra commercial.
Mitt looks like a guy who said he met Marge on eHarmony
Mitt looks like a guy who goes to the restroom when the check comes
Mitt looks like a guy who forgot to remove his teeth whitening strip
Mitt looks like the guy your mother points to and says why can't you be more like him.
He looks like a former Tarzan.
Mitt looks like the guy that shows you around Total Fitness.
Mitt looks like the guy who has a crease in his jeans.
He looks like the guy that would approve your check at a supermarket.


B said...

wow Margo is a goat expert. that's awesome!

Megan said...

Congrats, Margo!

That list about Mitt is HI-larious!

Anonymous said...

We were watching Lost last night and Josh kept saying "Jack-the guy who winks at you when he shakes your hand. Jack-the guy who keeps interrupting you to ask how your dinner is...etc". It's official. Jack is Mitt Romney's younger double.


Anonymous said...

It's always a treat to have famous friends. When we start raising goats (and slaughtering them) in our backyard, you'll be my first source of expertise.

Way to go, Margo!