Sunday, September 26, 2010


I guess Esther woke up this morning and decided she was going to start smiling a lot more and even better, smiling at us. It just so happens that we caught some of these smiles and smirks on camera.

This is a little smirk

It is really hard to catch her smiling with the camera. Hopefully she will continue to do it more so we can get more pictures. These pictures are from this morning. We were taking pictures of her new dress she was wearing to church that our friend Kathy got us.


kathy said...

She's just smiling cause she knows Ike & Tina got her that dress! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oopss...always fun to get duplicate gifts and have to exchange. Sorry! Hopefully she didn't recieve another of the other dress we got her. By the way, LOVE the smiley face pics! =) And we'll keep our ears open for people buying or selling trucks down this direction. (Vic & Susan are selling their Dodge Durango if you're interested in an SUV)